How to Add Live Stream in Muvi Live
Configuring OBS for Live Streaming
Configuring vMix for Live Streaming
Sharing Live Streaming Content via HLS Feed
Sharing Live Streaming Content via Embed Link (iFrame)
Sharing Live Streaming Content via Sharable Link
Live Streaming Existing Feed (Video/URL) Using OBS
Live Streaming Third-Party Content
How We Charge for Using the Muvi Live
You can live stream from the camera using Muvi Live and any streaming software encoders like OBS, vMix. Muvi supports streaming software encoders that allow live streaming from a custom RTMP server.
First, you need to signup with Muvi Live and after that, you need to download, install, and configure the streaming encoder. Then, you need to add a live stream in Muvi Live. You will get the streaming Server URL and Stream Key (automatically generated) once you start the live streaming in Muvi Live. You need to configure the streaming Server URL and Stream Key in the streaming encoder (i.e. OBS, vMix). The output of the live stream is generated in the form of HLS Link and Embed Link (iFrame) which you can configure respectively in the content or website to access by your end-users.
To set up live streaming of the content, you need to point the streaming encoder to our server. We support live streaming through the camera using an RTMP feed. Software Encoder is the best for live streaming because of its more advanced features, low price (Even many software encoders are available for FREE), ease of updating, etc. There are many different software encoders are available for live streaming (e.g. OBS, vMix, XSplit, Wirecast, Cambria Live, Liveshell, AWS Elemental Live, Haivision, LiveU, Matrox, NewTek, and Teradek).
When you sign up for the Muvi Live Free Trial, you get limited Bandwidth (1 GB) and Streaming Hours(15 minutes). You can purchase a subscription plan to get additional bandwidth and streaming hours for uninterrupted live streaming. You can purchase the subscription from the Muvi Live CMS from the "My Account" page.
You have to download and install OBS. Once OBS is installed, you need to configure it for live streaming (camera).
*Note: You can select different live stream sources in the streaming encoder (i.e., OBS). Such as your laptop's camera, or any camcorder/ DSLR connected to your computer via USB, an existing video content, screen capture (select the entire screen of your computer as a source), etc. Here I have used the laptop's camera as a source. You can add multiple sources at a time and even you can switch between the sources. |
You have to first download and install vMix. Once vMix is installed, you need to configure it for live streaming.
*Note: You can select different live stream sources in the streaming encoder (i.e., vMix). Such as your laptop's camera, or any camcorder/ DSLR connected to your computer via USB, an existing video on demand content, screen capture (select the entire screen of your computer as a source), etc. Here I have used the laptop's camera and an existing video as a source. You can also add multiple sources at a time and switch between the sources. |
Other than OBS and vMix, there are also many different streaming encoders available for live streaming. Here is the list of the popular streaming encoders that you can use to live stream from Muvi Live.
Besides the above list, we also support any other latest streaming encoders that allow live streaming from a custom RTMP server (i.e. allow you to enter the "Server" & "Stream Key" to live stream).
HLS output URL is generated when you start the live streaming in Muvi Live. Click on “Output HLS” to get the URL. If you are an existing Muvi One customer, then you can add this URL to live stream content in the CMS. Please click here to know how to add the HLS Feed.
Embed output URL (iFrame) is generated when you start the live streaming in Muvi Live. Click on “Embed” to get the URL. You can embed it into any website to get the live stream output.
Note: The HLS URL generated to share the specific live stream remains the same even though you start and stop the live stream multiple times. |
You can also share the output of the live streaming via a "Sharable Link". The link is automatically generated when you click on "Sharable Link". Copy the link and share it with your end-users. The end-users can paste the URL on their web browser to view the live streaming.
You can stop the live streaming either from Muvi Live CMS or OBS.
You can Live Stream existing feed using OBS. There are 2 ways to live streaming feed using OBS. Either you can live stream any video stored in your computer or you can use an existing feed URL.
If you have a feed URL, then you can add it to OBS to live stream it.
You can live stream content from any third-party service provider. The third-party service provider will use the stream URL and Stream key provided by you to point their encoder to our server and stream the content on your website.
Advanced settings of OBS allows you to optimize your live streaming. You can reduce the latency and buffering by configuring these settings.
Advanced Settings for Video
You can cancel your Muvi Live subscription at any time. If you cancel your account, then all of your data including videos and metadata will be deleted 14 days after cancellation. Please make sure to export all your data before canceling the subscription.
Besides your monthly subscription fee for Muvi Live, we also charge for "Streaming Hours" and "Bandwidth".
Streaming Hours:
When you start the live stream, your streaming hours will start and when you stop the live stream, the streaming hours will be stopped (see the below screenshot). Even though you have stopped the live stream from the encoder (i.e., OBS, vMix, etc.) if your live stream is still "on" in Muvi Live (server), you will also be charged for this. So, you need to stop the live stream from Muvi Live (server) once you finished streaming. The stream hours are charged on a per-hour basis.
When your end users watch the live stream, you will be charged for the bandwidth consumed by the end users. It is charged on a per GB (Gigabyte) basis.
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