See: Description
Interface | Description |
AddContentRatingAsync.AddContentRatingListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a AddContentRatingAsynTask to run some code when get
AddGuestUserAsync.AddGuestUserListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a AddToFollowAsync to run some code when get
AddToFavAsync.AddToFavListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a AddToFavAsync to run some code when get
AddToFollowAsync.AddToFollowListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a AddToFollowAsync to run some code when get
AddToNewPlaylistAsync.AddToNewPlaylistListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a AddToNewPlaylistAsyncTask to run some code when get
AddToPlaylistAsync.AddToPlaylistListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a AsyncAddToPlaylist to run some code when get
AddToUnFollowAsync.AddToUnFollowListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a AddToFollowAsync to run some code when get
AuthUserPaymentInfoAsync.AuthUserPaymentInfoListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a AuthUserPaymentInfoAsyntask to run some code when get
CancelSubscriptionAsync.CancelSubscriptionListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a CancelSubscriptionAsyncTask to run some code when get
ChangeVideoAsync.ChangeVideoListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a ChangeVideoAsyncTask to run some code when get
CheckDeviceAsync.CheckDeviceListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a CheckDeviceAsyncTask to run some code when get
CheckFbUserDetailsAsync.CheckFbUserDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a CheckFbUserDetailsAsyn to run some code when get
CheckGeoBlockCountryAsync.CheckGeoBlockForCountryListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a CheckGeoBlockCountryAsynTask to run some code when get
ClearHistoryAsync.ClearHistoryListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a ClearHistoryAsynTask to run some code when get
ContactUsAsync.ContactUsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a ContactUsAsynTask to run some code when get
DeleteFavAsync.DeleteFavListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a DeleteFavAsync to run some code when get
DeleteInvoicePdfAsync.DeleteInvoicePdfListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a DeleteInvoicePdfAsynTask to run some code when get
DeletePlayListAsync.DeletePlaylistListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetRelatedContentAsynTask to run some code when get
DeletePlayListContentAsync.DeletePlaylistContentListner | |
EditPlayListAsync.EditPlaylistListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetRelatedContentAsynTask to run some code when get
FbRegistrationAsync.SocialAuthListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a SocialAuthAsynTask to run some code when get
FcmNotificationcountAsync.FcmNotificationcountListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a DeleteFavAsync to run some code when get
FcmNotificationlistsAsync.GetFcmNotificationListListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a FcmNotificationlistsAsynTask to run some code when get
FcmNotificationReadAsync.FcmNotificationReadListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a DeleteFavAsync to run some code when get
FcmRegistrationDetailsAsync.FcmRegistrationDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a DeleteFavAsync to run some code when get
ForgotPasswordAsync.ForgotpassDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a ForgotpassAsynTask to run some code when get
GetAppHomeFeatureAsync.AppHomeFeature |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetAppHomeFeatureAsyncTask to run some code when get
GetAppHomePageAsync.HomePageListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a HomePageAsynTask to run some code when get
GetAppMenuAsync.GetMenusListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetMenusAsynTask to run some code when get
GetCardListForPPVAsync.GetCardListForPPVListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetCardListForPPVAsynTask to run some code when get
GetCastDetailsAsync.GetCastDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetCastDetailsAsynTask to run some code when get
GetCategoryListAsync.GetCategoryListListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetCategoryListAsyncTask to run some code when get
GetCelebrityAsync.GetCelibrityListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetCelibrityAsyntask to run some code when get
GetContentDetailsAsync.GetContentDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetContentDetailsAsynTask to run some code when get
GetContentListAsync.GetContentListListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetContentListAsynTask to run some code when get
GetEpisodeDetailsAsync.GetEpisodeDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetEpisodeDeatailsAsynTask to run some code when get
GetFeatureContentAsync.GetFeatureContentListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetFeatureContentAsynTask to run some code when get
GetFollowListAsync.GetFollowListListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetFollowListAsyncTask to run some code when get
GetGenreListAsync.GenreListListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetGenreListAsynctask to run some code when get
GetImageForDownloadAsync.GetImageForDownloadListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetImageForDownloadAsynTask to run some code when get
GetInvoicePdfAsync.GetInvoicePdfListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetInvoicePdfAsynTask to run some code when get
GetIpAddressAsync.IpAddressListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetIpAddressAsynTask to run some code when get
GetLanguageListAsync.GetLanguageListListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetLanguageListAsynTask to run some code when get
GetMarlinBBOfflineAsync.MarlinBBOfflineListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetMarlinBBOfflineAsync to run some code when get
GetMediaQueueAsync.GetMediaQueue |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetMediaQueueAsyncTask to run some code when get
GetMenuListAsync.GetMenuListListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetMenuListAsynctask to run some code when get
GetMenusAsync.GetMenusListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetMenusAsynTask to run some code when get
GetMonetizationDetailsAsync.GetMonetizationDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetMonetizationDetailsAsynctask to run some code when get
GetMyPlanListAsync.GetMyPlanListsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetMyPlanListAsyncTask to run some code when get
GetMyUploadsAsync.MyUploadsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetContentListAsynTask to run some code when get
GetPlanListAsync.GetStudioPlanListsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetPlanListAsynctask to run some code when get
GetPPVPaymentAsync.GetPPVPaymentListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetPPVPaymentAsync to run some code when get
GetRelatedContentAsync.GetRelatedContentListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetRelatedContentAsynTask to run some code when get
GetStaticPagesDetailsAsync.GetStaticPageDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetStaticPagesDetailsAsynTask to run some code when get
GetSubCategoryListAsync.GetSubCategoryListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetSubCategoryListAsync to run some code when get
GetTranslateLanguageAsync.GetTranslateLanguageInfoListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetTranslateLanguageAsync to run some code when get
GetUserPlayListDetailsAsync.UserPlaylistDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetUserPlayListDetailsAsyntask to run some code when get
GetUserProfileAsync.GetUserProfileListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetUserProfileAsynctask to run some code when get
GetValidateUserAsync.GetValidateUserListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetValidateUserAsynTask to run some code when get
GetVideoLogDetailsAsync.GetFFVideoLogsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetFFVideoLogDetailsAsync to run some code when get
GetVoucherPlanAsync.GetVoucherPlanListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetVoucherPlanAsynTask to run some code when get
GetWatchHistoryEpisodeDetailsAsync.GetWatchHistoryEpisodeDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetWatchHistoryEpisodeDeatailsAsynTask to run some code when get
GmailRegAsync.AsyncGmailListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a AsyncGmailReg to run some code when get
IsCouponExistsAsync.IsCouponExistsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a IsCouponExistsAsync to run some code when get
IsRegistrationEnabledAsync.IsRegistrationenabledListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a IsRegistrationEnabledAsynTask to run some code when get
LastSeenDetailsAsync.AsyncLastSeenDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a AsyncGmailReg to run some code when get
LoadFilterVideoAsync.LoadFilterVideoListner |
Interface used to allow the caller of a LoadFilterVideoAsync to run some code when get
LoadRegisteredDevicesAsync.LoadRegisteredDevicesListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a LoadRegisteredDevicesAsync to run some code when get
LoginAsync.LoinDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a LoginAsynTask to run some code when get
LogoutAllAsync.SimultaneousLogoutAsyncListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a GetSimultaneousLogoutAsync to run some code when get
LogoutAsync.LogoutListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a LogoutAsynctask to run some code when get
MyLibraryAsync.MyLibraryListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a MyLibraryAsynTask to run some code when get
OfflineViewRemainingTimeAsync.offlineViewRemainingTimeInputListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a OfflineViewRemainingTimeAsync to run some code when get
PurchaseHistoryAsync.PurchaseHistoryListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a PurchaseHistoryAsyntask to run some code when get
RegisterUserPaymentAsync.RegisterUserPaymentListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a RegisterUserPaymentAsyntask to run some code when get
RegistrationAsync.RegistrationDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a RegistrationAsynTask to run some code when get
RemoveDeviceAsync.RemoveDeviceListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a RemoveDeviceAsynTask to run some code when get
ResetPasswordAsync.ResetPasswordListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a ResetPasswordAsync to run some code when get
SearchDataAsync.SearchDataListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a SearchDataAsynTask to run some code when get
ShowPlaylistAsync.ShowPlayListListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a AsynShowPlaylist to run some code when get
TrailerDetailsAsync.TrailerDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a VideoDetailsAsynctask to run some code when get
TransactionDetailsAsync.TransactionListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a TransactionDetailsAsynctask to run some code when get
UpdateContentAsync.UpdateContentListener | |
UpdateGoogleIdAsync.UpdateGoogleIdListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a UpdateGoogleIdAsynTask to run some code when get
UpdateUserProfileAsync.Update_UserProfileListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a UpadteUserProfileAsynctask to run some code when get
UploadContentAsync.UploadContentListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a UploadContentAsyncTask to run some code when get
ValidateCouponCodeAsync.ValidateCouponCodeLIstener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a ValidateCouponCodeAsynTask to run some code when get
ValidateVoucherAsync.ValidateVoucherListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a ValidateVoucherAsynTask to run some code when get
VideoDetailsAsync.VideoDetailsListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a VideoDetailsAsynctask to run some code when get
ViewContentRatingAsync.ViewContentRatingListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a ViewContentRatingAsynTask to run some code when get
ViewFavouriteAsync.ViewFavouriteListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a ViewFavouriteAsynTask to run some code when get
VoucherSubscriptionAsync.VoucherSubscriptionListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a VoucherSubscriptionAsyntask to run some code when get
WatchHistoryAsync.WatchHistoryListener |
Interface used to allow the caller of a WatchHistoryAsynTask to run some code when get
Class | Description |
AddContentRatingAsync |
This class allows the users to rate their favorite contents.
AddGuestUserAsync |
This Class used to add a guest user.
AddToFavAsync |
This class is responsible for adding your content to your favourite list.
AddToFollowAsync |
By using this class you can follow a multipart content, a category and a cast.
AddToNewPlaylistAsync |
This Class is used for creating new playlist.
AddToPlaylistAsync |
This class is used for adding content to existing playlist.
AddToUnFollowAsync |
This Class helps user to un follow a multipart content, a cast and a category.
AuthUserPaymentInfoAsync |
This class is responsible to validate card information during payment process.
CancelSubscriptionAsync |
This class is for cancelling a subscription.
ChangeVideoAsync |
This class is used to change the video of user generated content(UGC)
CheckDeviceAsync |
This class helps adding device information and check the limits of devices .
CheckFbUserDetailsAsync |
This Class checks all the necessary details about the user when they login via Facebook.
CheckGeoBlockCountryAsync |
This class is responsible to check whether the app is allowed for a country or not.
ClearHistoryAsync |
This Class is called to Clear all watch history details of the user.
ContactUsAsync |
This Class provides users to contact the company if they have any feedback, suggestions or Issue.
DeleteFavAsync |
This Class is use to delete the movies/series from the "Add Favorite" list section.
DeleteInvoicePdfAsync |
This Class delete the Invoice of a payment made by the user.
DeletePlayListAsync |
Delete a user created playlist.
DeletePlayListContentAsync |
Delete a content from user created playlist.
EditPlayListAsync |
This Class is used for update the user created playlist.
FbRegistrationAsync |
This Class authenticate users facebook details and help them to login using Facebook.
FcmNotificationcountAsync |
This Class will return the number of unread notification sent to the user.
FcmNotificationlistsAsync |
This class will return all the notification information in a list of a store.
FcmNotificationReadAsync |
This Class updates the notification status as all are read.
FcmRegistrationDetailsAsync |
This Class is use to store FCM related information in a backend.
ForgotPasswordAsync |
This Class send reset link to the registered Email id provided by the user.
GetAppHomeFeatureAsync |
This will return all the home page data including banner section as well as features sections.
GetAppHomePageAsync |
This will return only features section information.
GetAppMenuAsync |
This Class loads the Menus.
GetCardListForPPVAsync |
This Class shows the list of the cards that users had saved for the payment purpose.
GetCastDetailsAsync |
This Class shows the cast details of the video such as Name of the artists, summary of the movie, Image of the artist etc.
GetCategoryListAsync |
it will return all the categories available in the store.
GetCelebrityAsync |
This Class gives detail of the celebrity who have acted on that particular
series/movie which user is looking for.
GetContentDetailsAsync |
This Class gives all the important content information such as story, poster, Release Date etc.
GetContentListAsync |
This Class is use to show the content list to the users.
GetEpisodeDetailsAsync |
This will return all the child information of a multipart content.
GetFeatureContentAsync |
This Class return all the contents map in a feature section.
GetFollowListAsync |
A user can get his/her follow list according to follow_type.
GetGenreListAsync |
This Class fetch the genre list from the server.
GetImageForDownloadAsync |
This Class will return user internet speed.
GetInvoicePdfAsync |
This Class generate Payment Invoice Pdf to help user to pay for the subscription.
GetIpAddressAsync |
This Class gets the IP Address of the user's device on which application is running.
GetLanguageListAsync |
This Class gives the list of the languages to the users.
GetMarlinBBOfflineAsync |
This class will return downloadable URL of a DRM content.
GetMediaQueueAsync |
This Class returns the next and previous media information of a Auto play of VOD content.
GetMenuListAsync |
This Class loads the menu list.
GetMenusAsync |
Class to get the all the menu information created for a store
GetMonetizationDetailsAsync |
This gives all the monetization type information of a content
GetMyPlanListAsync |
This will return all the subscriptions plans purchased by user
GetMyUploadsAsync |
This will return all the uploaded content by user.
GetPlanListAsync |
This will return all the plans created to take a subscription.
GetPPVPaymentAsync |
This Class is used to make a one time payment like Pay-per-view .
GetRelatedContentAsync |
return related content associated with a content.
GetStaticPagesDetailsAsync |
This Class will return the static page according to the permalink.
GetSubCategoryListAsync |
This Class loads the Sub Category list.
GetTranslateLanguageAsync |
This class return all the translated information based on a selected language
GetUserPlayListDetailsAsync |
It return details of a content map in a audio playlist
GetUserProfileAsync |
This Class shows the profile detail of the user.
GetValidateUserAsync |
This class is responsible to check whether the content is purchased or not.
GetVideoLogDetailsAsync |
This class is used to keep video content related log information.
GetVoucherPlanAsync |
This Class shows the Voucher plans to the user so that they can buy any voucher
according to their need.
GetWatchHistoryEpisodeDetailsAsync |
This will return all the episode information of a watched multipart content.
GmailRegAsync |
This Class is used for the login details of the users who all are login using Gmail account
IsCouponExistsAsync |
This Class gives a short note about the coupon exist or not.
IsRegistrationEnabledAsync |
This Class return all the config details of a store.
LastSeenDetailsAsync |
This Class is used to get last seen content details by a user
LoadFilterVideoAsync |
Created by MUVI on 11/8/2017.
LoadRegisteredDevicesAsync |
This Class Loads the details of the registered device
LoginAsync |
This Class allow user to successfully login using their email and password.
LogoutAllAsync |
Class to get Simultaneous Logout details.
LogoutAsync |
This Class helps user to successfully logout from the application whenever they want.
MyLibraryAsync |
This Class loads the MyLibrary details of the user.
OfflineViewRemainingTimeAsync |
This class return remaining access period of a content.
PurchaseHistoryAsync |
This Class will return all the transaction history made by the user.
RegisterUserPaymentAsync |
This class is use to take a subscription.
RegistrationAsync |
This Class allow users to register themselves to the application if they are not member.
RemoveDeviceAsync |
This Class allow users to remove the registered device from the store.
ResetPasswordAsync |
This Class helps user to reset password.
SDKInitializer |
Created by muvi on 25/7/17.
SearchDataAsync |
This Class helps user for searching purpose.
ShowPlaylistAsync |
Returns all user generated playlist.
TrailerDetailsAsync |
This Class provides all the details related to the trailer video such as video length, resolution etc.
TransactionDetailsAsync |
This Class return detailed information of a particular transaction
UpdateContentAsync |
This Class used to update a user generated content(UGC).
UpdateGoogleIdAsync |
This Class allow to update the Google Id(FCM Token) of the users.
UpdateUserProfileAsync |
This Class allow users to update their profile details whenever needed.
UploadContentAsync |
This Class used to upload new content.
ValidateCouponCodeAsync |
This Class checks whether coupon code entered by the user is valid or invalid.
ValidateVoucherAsync |
This Class checks whether voucher entered by the user is valid or invalid.
VideoDetailsAsync |
This Class provides all the details related to the video such as video
length, resolution etc.
ViewContentRatingAsync |
This Class shows all the reviews and rating of a content.
ViewFavouriteAsync |
This Class returns all the favorite contents of a user.
VoucherSubscriptionAsync |
This Class is used to purchase a content using voucher.
WatchHistoryAsync |
This Class returns all the contents seen by a user.