Publishing Your Roku App in Roku Channel Store
Muvi offers a fully-featured, white-labeled Roku App. The Roku app has all the same features as the website – user registration, login, search, filter, etc. Muvi supports the Roku version from 7.1.0 to 9.
Note: At present, we do not support any embedded content from a third-party platform for the Roku App. We only support Mp4, HLS(.m3u8), and MPEG-DASH video formats.
To develop your Roku App, you need to provide us necessary information through the CMS. Please go to “Mobile & TV Apps” -->” Roku App”-->"Publish to App Store" in your CMS.
In the “Roku App” page, please provide the detail information related to your App. (See Below Screenshot)
All this information will be stored in our database and we will develop the Roku App based on the information provided by you. First, we will develop a Test App and send it to you for your review and approval. After getting your approval we will then publish the App in the Roku Channel Store.
Note: After saving the information in the app publishing form, you cannot edit certain fields (App Name, Website, Privacy URL, Catagory, Company Name, etc.), in the form.
Before publishing your app in the app store, you can test the app. During the testing, you can use the default pin # 1111 to make any test payment.
We will publish the App in the Roku Channel Store either by using our Developer’s ID or by using your Developer’s ID. If you use your Developer’s ID, then the App will show your company or brand name in the Roku Channel Store.
If you want to use your Roku Developer’s ID, then please Click Here to create a Roku Developer Account and update the Username and Password in the CMS. Go to Mobile & TV Apps --> Roku App and Type your “Roku User ID” and “Password” and click on “Save”. (See Below Screenshot).
Muvi maintains the Roku App on an ongoing basis. It includes making updates and patches as required to support new app versions and Roku devices.
Roku will send you the number of app downloads report when you contact their support team regarding this. You can contact to Roku Support Team with the email address where you would like to receive the monthly report about your app.
Let us know so that we can improve.
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