We have predefined poster size for All Content, Content Category, Top Banner of content as well as for all items in the Physical Goods store. However, as per your requirement, you can change the dimension of the poster for all your Content, Content Category, Top Banner, Cast & Crew Image, and all items in the Physical Goods store.
There are different types of poster sizes for different types of content. Also, we have 2 categories of posters, 1. Editable, 2. Non-Editable.
Editable Posters
You can edit the size of this category of posters from the CMS ("Manage Content" -->" Settings"). Already poster size is defined for different types in the CMS (see below screenshot) but you can change the size of the posters according to your needs.
Non-Editable Posters
You cannot edit the size of these types of posters from the CMS.
Let us know so that we can improve.
Reach out to Muvi at: