Cancelling an End-User's Subscription Plan
How to Renew an End-User's Subscription Plan
How End-User's Can Upgrade Their Subscription Plan
How End-Users Can View Their Transactions
How End-Users Can Cancel Their Subscription
How End-Users Can Update Their Credit Card Information
User Management feature allows the store admin to view the status of end-users according to their types including registration, subscription, PPV subscription, cancellation and deletion. Admin can add free users and manage end-users such as send reset password email to users, cancel subscriptions and update email address of users.
You can also add an end-user to your store from the CMS. You can add a Subscribed User, a Registered User (A user without a subscription, who might have limited or no access to the content in the store), or a Free User who will have unlimited access to all subscription and PPV content.
When you add an end-user, an email notification will be sent to the user with login credentials to access your store.
Through the User Management feature, you can easily manage your end-users.
You can view details about a specific end-user by clicking on the registered email of the user.
You can download the details of end-users in your store in MS Excel.
You can cancel an end user's subscription plan from the CMS. If the end-user has multiple subscriptions, then you can cancel any of the subscription plans from the CMS.
Note: If you will cancel the end-user's subscription plan, then the user will be able to login to your store but he/she will not be able to view the content. To view the content, the user needs to buy the subscription plan again or you have to renew the user's subscription plan.
There are different types of deleting options available for different types of end-users in the CMS. For example, to delete a Free User you need to click on "Delete Account" under "Action" and to delete a Free Registered user you need to click on "Delete Free Registration" under "Action". However, to delete a "Subscriber", first, you need to cancel the subscription of the user and then click on "Delete User".
Note: At present, after deleting the end-users (i.e. Free User, Free Registered User, and Subscribers), you cannot completely remove them from the CMS. All the deleted users will appear under "Deletions" (see below screenshot).
Deleting a subscriber is a 2 step process. First, you need to cancel the subscription of the user and then you can delete the user.
You can renew the subscription plan of an end-user from the CMS.
If you have added multiple subscription plans, then the end-users can upgrade from their current subscription plan to a higher subscription plan. They can upgrade the plan from your website/app (i.e., Android, iOS).
*The end-users will receive an email about the upgrade of their subscription plan.
Your subscribers/end-users can view their transaction through Purchase History after they login to your website. They just need to click on “Purchase History” (See Below Screenshot). They can see the transaction details in a tabular format. Subscribers can see the transactions about their Monthly Subscription, PPV (Pay Per View) Subscription, PPV Bundle Subscription, Pre-Order, etc.
Note: If the subscribers/end-users are added by the store admin from the CMS, then the end-users can not view the "Purchase History".
End-Users can cancel their subscription from your website.
You users can update their credit card information on the "Card Information" page under profile. They can add a new card, make a card primary and/or delete a specific card.
When your end-users request a refund (for the subscription, PPV they have purchased), you can refund your end-users via the "Refund" feature. As a store Admin, you can process the refund requests and issue both full and partial refunds to your end-users. The processed refunds can be tracked in the "Revenue Analytics". Also, the end-users will get an email notification when their refund is processed.
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