Remove/Upload Preview or Trailer
As per your requirement, you can edit any content in the Content Library in your CMS. You can edit all content metadata including, Content Name, Content Category, Genre, Record/Release date, Story/Description, etc., and even you can change the posters. The “Edit” feature also allows you to Remove/Change the Preview or Trailer of a movie or TV show, Change/Remove the Top Banner, and Remove/Add Cast or Crew.
Note: If you have configured multiple languages on your store, then you will be able to edit the different sections of the content (i.e. add/edit Poster, add/edit Trailer, add/edit Top banner, etc.) when the English language is selected in the CMS. (See Below Screenshot)
Note: If you have configured multiple languages on your store, then you will be able to select the "Content Category" when the English language is selected in the CMS. (See Below Screenshot)
You can remove the preview/trailer of specific content (If you have already uploaded a preview). After removing the existing preview, you can upload a new preview for the content.
Note: If you have configured multiple languages on your store, then the "Remove" button in the preview section is visible when the English language is selected in the CMS. (See Below Screenshot)
Note: You can click on the back button "<---" of the browser or back button of the player to go back to the previous page.
If top banner is already added then you can Change/Remove the banner.
Note: If you have configured multiple languages on your store, then "Change Banner" and "Remove Banner" button is visible when English language is selected in the CMS. (See Below Screenshot)
You can only change the video which is already mapped to the content. However, the video can not be removed that is mapped to the content.
If Cast/Crew is already added, then first remove the Cast/Crew information and then add the new Cast/Crew information.
After removing the Cast/Crew information, you can add new Cast/Crew information.
Let us know so that we can improve.
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