Changing Image Size of Cast&Crew
Adding Cast&Crew in Multiple Languages
When you are adding content (Single Part or Multi-Part) to your website you also need to add cast/crew information related to that content. Cast/Crew information may include the name and short description of the actor, director, cameraman, etc. also can add a picture of the cast/crew members. You can also add custom data fields to add more information about the cast/crew. After adding the cast/crew information, you can then map it to specific content. When your viewers click on the content they can see the information about the cast/crews associated with the content.
Once you add the Cast/Crew, you can see it under Mange Cast/Crew in your CMS. There is a search option available to search particular cast/crew. In the cast/Crew list, click on "Name" button to sort the cast/crew name alphabetically.
After adding the cast/crew, you need to link them to the relevant content. To add cast/crew to your content, go to “Manage Content” --> “Content Library” in your CMS.
The cast/crew will be added to your content. If you wish you can remove the cast/crew by clicking on “Remove” on the right hand side of the cast/crew under Action.
You can easily Create, Edit or Delete the Cast/Crew type in your CMS.
As per your requirement, you can add custom fields to Cast/Crew segment. The default fields are "Name" and "Summary". You can add more fields to this section. For example, "Age", "Native Place", "Popular Movies" etc.
Note: To know, how to show the custom data fields and their values on your website please Click Here.
You can define a specific image size for cast & crew. When you upload any cast & crew image, it will be cropped according to the size defined by you and displayed in the content details page.
Next time, when you will try to upload an image for cast & crew, you will be prompted to upload the image size which you have already defined.
Note: When you change the image size, the existing images will not be resized automatically. So, if you have already uploaded images for cast & crew, then after changing the image size, you will need to upload the images again to match the new size.
You can add the Cast & Crew information in multiple languages. When your end-users select their preferred language on your website/app, they can see the Cast & Crew information in their preferred language.
Note: Before adding the Cast & Crew in other languages, first, add that language in the CMS. Click here to know how to add the language. You need to add the Cast & Crew information in English first. Then you can translate it into other languages.
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The content licensing landscape is evolving rapidly, and platforms—whether established networks or emerging streamers—must adapt to stay ahead. Building content acquisition strategy effectively is essential for platforms looking…...
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