Enabling Pay Per View Monetization
How to Add PPV Price for Single Part Content
Adding PPV Price for Multi-Part Content
How to Assign PPV Category Price
How PPV Price is Displayed to the Subscribers & Non-Subscribers
PPV (Pay Per View) monetization allows you to add prices for individual content (video and/or audio). End-users can buy individual content and watch it. When an end-user clicks on a PPV content, he/she sees a payment popup and he/she needs to pay a certain amount of price to view the content. You can set different prices for subscribers and non-subscribers as well as for Single Part, Multi-Part, and Live Streaming content. Also, you can add different PPV category prices and add them to different contents (Single-part, and/or Multi-part content). PPV settings allow you to set "Number of Views", "Access Duration", and/or "Watch Period" restrictions for PPV contents.
There are 2 categories under “Manage PPV Categories”. 1. PPV categories for Single-part Content, 2. PPV categories for Multi-Part Content. PPV category price will supersede the PPV price that is already set for "All Single Part" content and/or "All Multi-Part" content. That means if you have already set a PPV price for all single part content to $10 and then you create a category price of $15 and apply the price to any single part content, then end-users will see the category price when they click on the content.
For Live Streaming content, you can set a different category under the Single Part content category.
After setting up the PPV price for single-part content, multi-part content, and non-subscribers, subscribers now can assign the PPV category price to individual content in the Content Library. Here you need to select the single part category for single part content like movies, video clips, etc., the multi-part category for TV series and other multi-part content, and for live streaming content, select the category price accordingly.
In PPV Settings, you can set Number of Views (For how many times a user can view the content after purchasing it by using the voucher. For example, 1 time, 3 times, etc.), Access Period (For how long the content can be accessed by the user after purchasing it. For example, 12 hours, 5 days, 1 month etc.) and Watch Period (Once the user start watching the content, he/she needs to finish watching the content before the watch period is over). If you will mention the number of views to 1, access period to 7 days and watch period to 12 hours, then a user can watch the content 1 time within 7 days’. If the user starts watching the content (within 7 days) and stop it after some time. then he/she needs to finish watching the content before 12 hours (watch period), otherwise the content will expire.
If the end-user has already purchased an "All Content Subscription" plan and the price is added for the "Subscribers" in PPV, then on the content details page the price is displayed to the end-users as the "Members" price (see below screenshot).
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