Adding Content to the Content Library
Managing Content in the Content Library
Sharing Content from Muvi Flex
Muvi Flex is the most comprehensive enterprise-grade streaming server that can host, organize, and distribute your content effectively. Muvi Flex has everything (except the front end) you need to stream your video content on any platform. It includes Hosting, CDN, Encoding, Transcoding, and CMS - readily available all in one place. You simply need to create content (video and/or audio) and share it via the Embed Code, HLS Feed URL, and/or MPEG-DASH URL on your website and/or app. With Muvi Flex's ‘Playlist’ feature, you can create a video and/or audio playlist, and share it with an HLS output for uninterrupted playback. Also, Muvi Flex provides a Social Sharing option to share your content directly from Muvi Flex to your YouTube Channel. You can also have API and SDK integration options to integrate your existing website and/or app with Muvi Flex.
Once your 14 days free trial is over, you will be prompted to purchase the subscription to Muvi Flex. You can also purchase the subscription before your free trial ends.
Muvi Flex allows you to organize your content in different content categories. Create different content categories for different types of content. For example, for movies, you can create categories like action movies, comedy movies, horror movies, and so on. You can also create sub-categories under the main category. For example, under a category movie, you can create sub-categories like a documentary, animation, action, etc.
In the Muvi Flex ‘Asset Library’ you can upload and store video files, audio files, image files, and other files like PDF that you can use to create video and/or audio content. You can upload the video file extensions including mov, flv, vob, mp4, m4v, mkv, avi, 3gp & mpg. (We recommend upload .mp4 videos to make the encoding process faster). For audio, you can upload file extensions including, mp3, wav, acc , aiff, m4a, m4b, m4p, dvf, raw, wma, webm, flac and Ogg Vorbis. For images we support.jpeg, .gif, .png, and .svg images. However, if you are uploading .svg images then you will not be able the crop the image, and few old browsers do not support this image format)
Add cast and crew to the People Library that you can use while creating content. While creating content, you can search the cast and crew names from the People Library and add them to the content.
You can add different types of video and/or audio content to the Content Library. In the video content, you can add video clips, movies, documentaries, etc. In audio content, you can add songs, vocals, etc.
In the Muvi Flex CMS, you can edit or delete content in the Content Library. Also, you can change the video/audio that is mapped with the content. You can also use the filtering and search option to find specific content to edit or delete it.
After adding the content to the Content Library, you can share it on your website and/or app. An embed link is generated for each content you add, and you can share the content using the embed link. You can get the HLS URL of the video content and share it. Also, you can create a video and/or audio Playlist and share it. Muvi Flex also provides a Social Sharing option to share your content directly from Muvi Flex to your YouTube Channel.
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9:00AM PST
Looking for content licensing, subtitling, dubbing and other services beyond the tech to scale your streaming business? Look no further as Muvi is your one-stop shop offering all…...
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