End User Interface(Website or Mobile App)
How to Enable Facebook Login for Users
Social login allows your users with a unified authentication experience when they browse through either your applications and/or third party apps. Once your users logged into any one of the applications by using their user ID and password, they don’t have to enter their login credentials again and again to access other applications. They will be automatically logged into all the applications irrespective of the domain, technology or platform. We provide social login integration with Facebook.
By enabling the Facebook login feature on your website and mobile app you can allow your subscribers/users to log in to your website or mobile app by using their Facebook account. To enable Facebook Login on your website or mobile app, you need a Facebook App. Either you can allow us to create and manage Facebook App or you can create the Facebook App yourself and provide us the necessary information to enable Facebook login. You can also deactivate the Facebook login on your website.
End User Interface
Note: If you choose "Muvi to create and manage the Facebook App" then it will take 2 days for Muvi to enable the Facebook login in your store.
Note: If you change your Domain Name, then you need to update the "Redirect URL" accordingly. Otherwise, Facebook login feature will not work on your website.
1.Create an account or Sign in to https://developers.facebook.com/
2.Go to My Apps > Add a New App
3. A window will pop up. Provide the Display Name of your website or app in the corresponding field. Then provide your Contact Email. Choose a Category from the drop down list. Finally click on “Create App ID” (See Below Screenshot)
4. You will be asked to select a Captcha Code. Select the right code and click on Submit.
5. On the next page click on “Get Started” on the right hand side of “Facebook Login”
On the next page click on "Settings" on your left-hand side, under Facebook Login. (See Below Screenshot)
6. On the next page Enable Client OAuth Settings > Embedded Browser OAuth Login
Client OAuth Settings > Web OAuth Login > Valid OAuth redirect URIs: Provide the valid Oauth Redirect URL. Redirect URL will be http://www.youdomain.com/login/facebookAuth/
Click on “Save Changes”
7. Click on “Settings” on the left hand side of your Dashboard. There are two settings. 1. Basic 2. Advanced. In basic setting You can view your App Id, App Secret, Display Name, Contact Email Here you can upload your App Icon and select the website category. Finally, click on “Save Changes”.
8. On the next page click on “App Review”. Under Make (Your App) Public select “Yes”, then you will get a dialog box click on “Yes” to confirm. Click on “Start a Submission” to submit your App for approval.
9. Click on Dashboard, (See below screenshot) collect the following information and put it in the corresponding field in your CMS (Go to "User Features" -->"Social Network Integration". Select "Use My Facebook App") or send them to support@muvi.com.
Note: The “App Secret” is not visible by default. Please click on “Show” to make it visible.
If you don’t wish to use Facebook login feature on your website, then you can “Deactivate” this feature.
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